Toulouse (in French: Toulouse) French city known Andalusians Touleuhh and on behalf of the local dialect called Touleuzh, located in the southwest of France near the Spanish border, on the banks of the Garonne. A population of about 1.2 million people (2008 statistics) and is the fourth most populous cities of France. City logo «to Touleuzh always more» (Balkstanih: Per Tolosa totjorn mai). It is the day of the municipalities of the south of France and the headquarters of the Haute-Garonne region, which is located in the Midi-Pyrénées region. The Toulouse historic capital of the Languedoc. Dubbed the city because the local floral blocks constructed by traditional buildings have this color.
Capitol, which opened in 1736 is the Center Theater Opera and Ballet, and the national orchestra of the Capitol associated musician Michel Blasson perform in Hall cardamom or Gran. The water palace photo gallery in the city, a water tower to shift to a photo exhibition in 1974 at the hands of the son of John Toulouse Diosed oldest public place dedicated to display the images in the world.
Toulouse is the seat of fluorescent Games Academy, which is the French Academy of Natqa in Alksanah in the south of France, making the city the unofficial capital of civilization Alooxatania, as it was the sword Alooxatani adoption as a symbol of the city of Toulouse.
The main foods are Altuluzih Altuluzih sausages, and the fat duck liver is one of the traditional food industries in the city, especially in terms of MIDI-Pirani.
Bands prominent in the city band "butter" of the Maghreb. Rights
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