Is one of the industries in Belgium, and access them from elsewhere in Europe still makes it a popular tourist destination. The tourism industry generates 2.8% of GDP in Belgium and works 3.3% of the working population (142,000 people). [48] 6.7 million people traveled to Belgium in 2005. [49] Two-thirds of them come from larger neighboring countries. - France, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom and Germany.
Like many national institutions in Belgium, and extended national tourist agencies on a regional basis with two tourist agencies. They Belgian Brussels and the Office of Tourism and the Belgian Tourist Office Brussels & Wallonia Wallonia and Brussels, DC, area, and Toerisme Vlaanderen cover Flanders, although it also covers the Brussels also.
In 1993, he worked for 2% of the total workforce in the field of tourism, and less than in many neighboring countries. [50] A large part of both on the coast tourism or developed dramatically in the Ardennes industry is located. [51] Brussels and cities Flemish of Bruges, Ghent, Antwerp, Leuven and Mechelen, cities and Flemish art and attracts a lot of cultural tourists. [49]
Belgium is ranked 21 on the 2007 Travel Index and the competitiveness of tourism at the World Economic Forum, and less than all the neighboring countries. [52] Although the country has made a very "natural and cultural resources", was only 114 in the world both in Grade 'price competitiveness "and" qualified labor hand availability. "[53] in recent years, the number of international tourists has remained relatively stable, but the income they generate increased to US $ 9.863 billion in 2005.
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