الجمعة، 23 يناير 2015

12 Ways to reduce your expenses and enjoy leave

12 Ways to cut your expenses and enjoy the holiday 1-select a budget for yourself before you start Ajazatj2-Ahdzrahltk Mpkra3-used means of public transport links in order to reach and Jhtk3-use credit card paid Msbaka4-buy foreign currency before Ambassr5-known to your insurance requirements and Bossalh insurance annual j cheaper if you take a vacation more than once in Am6-traveled more times Hdoaúafa Abbah7-behaved Kmaitsrv public to avoid restaurants and major encouraged restaurants Cobeih8-book a place waiting for the car at the airport Mekdma8-used bike may be relatively cheaper means of taxis, gasoline Vdrajh light meet Bulgred 9 -aterc phone at home and buy card cm Mhalih10- traveled with minimal Alhakaúb11- provided money to buy gifts symbolic 12-expenses reduced purchases... http://travelers505050.blogspot.com/

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