الاثنين، 25 أغسطس 2014

Dubai Tourism and fun shopping and recreation

Have you ever traveled Tours and spend time in Dubai, of course, if you do travel will want to travel, even if I traveled by would want to repeat it, Dubai is one of the best cities in the world in the field of tourism are located on its territory are many hotels and skyscrapers and by Burj Khalifa of taller skyscrapers in the world and located in the tower top honor watch the audience as there is the Burj Al Arab, a hotel and tower Diamond There is also the Dubai Museum, which puts the lives of the population before the discovery of oil as there is in Dubai hotel Atlantis Dubai, a luxury hotel in the plane and holds on 8 star Booze is Ajwad in the world Kmathtoa Dubai on the chain of islands to the world that setting it in the Arabian Gulf in the form of maps of the world and to read and features Dubai beaches very beauty that Dubai more than to be a City by traditional it civilized city Stakk to love life out and enjoy Beltsouk in Dubai Festival tastiest held every year and lasts for a month to get the best luggage and goods Vmaz Intelq waiting to vacation in Dubai
http://travelers505050.blogspot.com/Intellectual rights

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My name is Mohammed Saeed Egyptian blogger interested in all the magazines and Tourism áÇÍćá that I